WARES 4.34B to 4.50E Upgrade

First Read These Cautions:

The following issues may effect your conversion to WARES version 4.50E:

Free days

Free days has moved from the Profile setup to the Account setup. Where an account has multiple profiles, some with free days and some without, the products and lots must be split into separate accounts BEFORE conversion. Call for assistance if this applies to any of your accounts.

UOM and Country codes

This release replaces the UOM and COUNTRY code tables with extended standard code lists. If you have customized UOM codes, the custom values can be converted to standard codes according to the instructions in help note 90123. COUNTRY codes in addresses are corrected using the instructions in help note 90124.

GL_CODE table

At Tools ‣ Define ‣ Table Codes, record GL_CODE will replace GL.CODE. After conversion, print these records and examine the chart of accounts ledger codes in COL3. Update the new GL_CODE table if any GL codes are missing or account numbers are wrong.

Billing reports

The CHARGE.LOG used to show all billed transactions; now it lists only transactions with charges.

Custom reports

At Tools ‣ Reports ‣ Control Reports, Press [Shift-F10] to see a list of customized reports. Reports which use files CHARGES, INVOICES, PAYMENTS, PROFILES or RATES will have to be redesigned or discarded after this update. PRODUCTS reports may require redesign. New reports must be created wherever a customer requires special auditing for billing.

Report customizations

Selection commands XQ, BATCH.LOG, and PRINT.SUBS have been reprogrammed and now require different command parameters. If custom reports (other than billing reports, as mentioned above) do not work after this update, refer to help note 90153 for instructions.

Window menu keys

The [F10] window menu has been enhanced to include every key commonly required in data entry or review. Every window uses the same menu, except for window-specific softkeys and relations. The following keys changed:

New key Replaces Shortcut Description
[F10],E,R [F10],E [AF10] edit related window
[F10],Q,Q [F10],Q   enter query mode for window
[F10],F,N [F10],F   open a file in a window
[F10],K,L [F10],L [SF10] display browse records

Softkeys and Relations

The following keys have changed:

New key Replaces Description
[AF9] [SF3]/[SF4] Tariffs replace Rates and Profiles
[AF7] [AF8] to edit serial numbers
[SF7] [SF8] to display serial numbers
[SF8]   undoes entry changes on a displayed record
[SF4]   configure entry windows (Accounts and Tariffs)
[AF6] [SF6] display related Lot Details in Products Setup
[SF2]   shows product balances in Products Setup

4.50E Update Instructions

Download and Extract Update

  1. Create an empty folder at the root of your local drive, C:\TEMP.
  2. Download the update.
  3. <Right-Click> file upw_450.zip, and extract the archive contents to folder C:\TEMP.

Running Module Updates

WARES is a modular program, and updates must be run in each program module. For each of the modules AREV, TOOLS, CONTACTS, EXCHANGE, and WARES, perform the following sequence of steps:

  1. Start WARES and login using the supervisor level password.
  2. At Tools ‣ Actions ‣ Update, press <Enter> to start the updater.
  3. When asked for the drive and path to the update files, enter C:\TEMP.
  4. From the popup list of available update sets, select and run updates in the sequence AREV, TOOLS, CONTACTS, EXCHANGE, and WARES.
  5. Highlight an update to perform and press <Enter>. When asked to install the update, type Y and press <Enter>.
  6. Your WARES session will terminate when each update finishes.



The following message may appear during the update process. Do not ignore this message and continue. Instead, follow the directions below. You may need technical assistance with these instructions. Call if you are unsure how to proceed.

│                                                                │
│           You cannot write or delete records because           │
│         Quick/Rightdex for this file does not use the          │
│  "DEFAULT" language set specified in the current environment.  │
│                                                                │
│                            Either:                             │
│                                                                │
│                  Reload the "-" language set                   │
│                             - or -                             │
│                 Re-install the Quick/Rightdex.                 │
│                                                                │

While this message is displayed, perform these steps:

Action Explanation
[F5] Press function key F5 to get a TCL window
Press function key F2 to see a list of TCL commands
Identify the DICT.filename producing the error
<Esc> Remove the TCL commands popup
(command to display the Make Indexes window.)
(WARES versions before 4.30 type AW MAKEINDEX)
[SF1] Press function key Shift-F1 to enter the filename
DICT.filename, press <Enter> <Enter>
(Type the DICT.filename in the Get Filename window,
Press <Enter> to accept the filename,
Press <Enter> for “Yes” to remove the Quickdex.)
[SF1] Press function key Shift-F1 to enter the filename
DICT.filename, press <Enter> <Enter> <Enter>
(Type the DICT.filename in the Get Filename window,
Press <Enter> to accept the filename,
Press <Enter> for “Q” to install a Quickdex,
Press <Enter> for “Yes” to update the Quickdex.)
<Esc> Return to the TCL window
[F2] Display the previous TCL commands list
<Down> Move down to the top-most UPDATETABLE command
<Enter> Select the top-most UPDATETABLE command
<Enter> Re-execute the UPDATETABLE command
<Esc><Esc> Escape to remove the error message and continue updating


If message [UPD11] appears when volume WARES.DEMO is not attached, then:

Action Explanation
[F5] Press [F5] to display a Command window
<type> REBUILD.IMAGE ALL, press <Enter>
<type> OFF, press <Enter>
  Restart WARES and perform the update


This update may necessitate making configuration changes in WARES:

  • At Tools ‣ Define ‣ Table Codes, record UOM is renamed UOM.OLD and replaced. Some special UOM codes may require re-entry in the UOM table. Updating UOM codes on product records can be performed as a batch process, as described in Help Note 90123.
  • At Tools ‣ Define ‣ Table Codes, record GL_CODE replaces GL.CODE. The old record is kept for reference. Column 3, the Account numbers, may need to be changed in the updated GL_CODE record.
  • At eXchange ‣ Export ‣ Exports, the export template is replaced. If you have been exporting invoices to an accounting program, add the “HISTORY” command on the final line of the template, and check that the file path for export is on the correct drive letter.
  • At Billing ‣ Tariff Setup, new UOM codes on handling and storage tariffs may be required. The conversion simply guesses at the codes. Tariff descriptions should be updated where accounts have multiple tariffs.
  • Selection commands on customized reports may require updating, as described in help note 90153.

4.50E Features and Notes

Documentation Notes

Use the WARES Notes features to find procedural help documents and other information about program changes.

Choose APP_NOTE.HELP.TOC from menu selection Access ‣ =Notes to view or print a Table of Contents for Help Notes.

To print a specific help note, go to Contacts ‣ Notes. Then enter the number of the desired note, and press [SF9] to print out the help document.

To display notes related to an entry window, press [F10],H,N in the window. Navigate between notes with [Alt-F] and [Alt-B], or view a list of notes with [Shift-F10].

View or print program change notes from menu Access ‣ =Notes. Choose report APP_NOTE.RESOLUTIONS, enter the date range 03/01/01 through 04/15/03 for notes related to this release, and enter the employee code PN for Programmer Notes.

4.50E Version New Features

Status Menu Item

Tools ‣ Utilities ‣ Recover Post
Setup ‣ Fixes ‣ Recover Transact
Tools ‣ Processes ‣ Execute Rules
Manages running program Business Rules
Tools ‣ Processes ‣ Define Rules
Defines program Business Rules

Tools ‣ Processes ‣ Report Setup
Tools ‣ Reports ‣ Control Reports

Tools ‣ Processes ‣ Processes Setup
Tools ‣ Define ‣ Processes

Tools ‣ Processes ‣ Schedule Processes
Tools ‣ Define ‣ Schedules

Tools ‣ Processes ‣ Actions Viewer
Tools ‣ Processes ‣ Errors Review
Tools ‣ Processes ‣ Events Review
Entry ‣ =Forms

Billing ‣ =Forms
Reports ‣ Forms ‣ ...
Setup ‣ =Forms

Setup ‣ Utilities ‣ ...
Setup ‣ Fixes ‣ ...

Tools ‣ Utilities ‣ ...
Tools ‣ Actions ‣ ...

Billing ‣ Tariffs Setup
Setup ‣ Rates
Setup ‣ Profiles

Billing ‣ Batch Billing ‣ Recurring Calculate
Billing ‣ Batch Billing ‣ Recurring Invoices

Billing ‣ Batch Billing ‣ Invoice Charges
Billing ‣ Batch ‣ Services Invoices

Billing ‣ Utilities ‣ Month End
Billing ‣ Month End

Billing ‣ Utilities ‣ Void Batch
Setup ‣ Fixes ‣ Void Invoices

Billing ‣ Utilities ‣ Remove Records
Setup ‣ Fixes ‣ Old Transactions

Billing ‣ Utilities ‣ Sales History
Setup ‣ Fixes ‣ Sales History
Billing ‣ Batch Billing ‣ Prorate Invoices
Reports ‣ ... several options
Setup ‣ Rates
Setup ‣ Profiles
Setup ‣ Fixes ‣ ... several options

4.50E Documentation Revisions

Module UTIL Utilities Access ‣ -Manuals ‣ UTIL_DOCUMENTS
Module BILL Billing Access ‣ -Manuals ‣ BILL_DOCUMENTS
Module APP Application Access ‣ -Manuals ‣ APP_DOCUMENTS
Module APP App Forms Tools ‣ -Reports ‣ Forms ‣ APP
Added Technical Documentation Menu Location or Selection
Technical notes and program changes Access ‣ =Notes
Table of Contents for Technical Notes APP_NOTE.HELP.TOC
Notes 03/01/01 thru 04/15/03, Employee PN APP_NOTE.RESOLUTIONS
Technical notes review, file APP_NOTES Contacts ‣ Notes
90109 Automating report capture and download
90122 Saving reports in EXCEL format
90123 Swapping UOM codes on products
90124 Updating COUNTRY codes