Customer Access


Operating system considerations for local and remote access to WARES are not discussed in this article. Remote access to WARES using a secure terminal server is explained in Installing an AAD Server.

WARES includes an extensive user access security security system, which allows reliable customer connection to a WARES system while protecting confidentiality and security of data. These protections consist of four parts:

  • Operating System user login control from local and remote computers,
  • Database-level document access controlled by WARES user account,
  • Application menu selection access control by WARES user, and
  • Access level and posting process restrictions by WARES user.

The following guide describes the most-restrictive configuration of access security, intended for customer access to a single WARES account. Menu selections and data entry are restricted to a minimum to prevent confusion. The following information is important for using this guide:

  • A SYSPROG password is required. Call support for this information.
  • Data access is restricted by WARES account identifier. Throughout these instructions, replace text {ACCTID} with an actual WARES account id.
  • The {ACCTID} used below must start with a letter. If the actual WARES account identifier is numeric, then insert a letter in front to make an {ACCTID} meeting this requirement. Then in the User Logon Setup step 6, fields 3, 4, and 5 would be just the WARES numeric account identifier.

WARES User System Setup


Step 6 uses Security Level 5, which is equivalent to WARES status 1 (reserved). Security levels are shown following:

Security level WARES Status
5 1 (reserved)
4 2 (posted)
3 3 (verified)
2 4 (billed)
1 5 (closed)


  1. Step 7 of the System Setup below imposes a restricted menu on the user. Replace CU_ENVIRONMENT with WARES_ENVIRONMENT in the command at this step to use the full system menu.
  2. The option (O) in parentheses is capital letter O, not number 0.
  1. At the WARES top menu, press <F2> to see Available Menus. Select menu STARTUPAPP.

  2. Choose Open to display the Open Application dialog, and enter Name SYSPROG.

  3. Enter the Sysprog password ____________________ when prompted for it, and Press <Enter> to dismiss the message about missing menu MENU.

  4. Enter RUNMENU STARTUPCONFIG and <Enter> at the Command window.

  5. Select User from the Config menu, and fill in the options:

    Name         {ACCTID}
    Application  WARES
    Password     (leave blank)
  6. Press <F10>, then A to select Advanced from the window. Fill in fields:

    Startup Command  (leave blank)
    Environment      {ACCTID}
    Security Level   5
  7. Press <F9>, <F9>, <Esc>, <Esc> to save the new user and return to the WARES command line.

  8. Type the command:

  9. Type OFF and <Enter> to quit WARES.

WARES User Logon Setup

  1. Start WARES from a user login, and logon at the supervisor access level.

  2. Choose Tools ‣ Define ‣ Controls from the menu.

  3. Press <F10>, F and select filename UTIL_CONTROLS.

  4. Enter the control record key fields:

    Type        LOGON
    Identifier  {ACCTID}
  5. Press <Esc> to leave the Logon Setup Control window.

  6. Fill in fields 1 through 5 as follows:

    Field 1:  WARES
    Field 2:  WARES.DATA (or other volume identifier)
    Field 3:  {ACCTID}
    Field 4:  {ACCTID}
    Field 5:  {ACCTID}
  7. Press <F9> to save. Then logoff with Access ‣ Quit.

Testing the login

WARES must be started from a .pif file.

  1. Using a WARES workstation, <Right-click> the existing WARES.pif desktop icon and choose Copy, then <Right-click> a blank spot on the desktop and choose Paste.

  2. <Right-click> the Copy of WARES.pif you just created, and choose Properties, then select tab Program.

  3. The Program tab cmd: line will contain text such as WARES.BAT WARES or ATLAS.BAT USER00. Replace the word following .BAT with the {ACCTID} for the new WARES user.

  4. Click Apply and OK to close the Properties dialog.

  5. <Double-click> the Copy of WARES.pif to start the WARES program.

  6. A restricted WARES menu for the user should display the following keywords:

    Products Receipts Orders Shipments Lots -Reports Quit

  7. Display the Products window, then press <SF10> to list products. Only products for this one customer should display.

  8. When finished viewing, choose Quit from the menu to exit WARES.