.. _detail-acct: ############################# Lot Detail Account Mismatch ############################# Adjustments are used to transfer product between accounts. If the account identifier on an adjustment is not the recipient for the transfer, then lots created by the adjustment will be assigned to the wrong account. Use these instructions to correct the account on lots. Preliminary Requirements ============================= Before this correction is run the first time, two entries must be added to WARES design to identify incorrect lot accounts. Dictionary LOT_ACCOUNT ----------------------------- At menu selection :menuselection:`Tools --> Reports --> Dictionary`, add an entry for the :file:`DETAILS` table, column :file:`PROD_ACCOUNT`, as shown in the following screenshot: .. image:: _images/PROD_ACCOUNT.png .. tip:: The code expansion is shown by pressing :kbd:``. Use :kbd:`` to save and :kbd:`` to exit the expanded view, then save the dictionary record by pressing :kbd:`` again. Report DETAIL.PROD-ACCT ----------------------------- At menu selection :menuselection:`Tools --> Processes --> Report Setup`, add a new report :file:`DETAIL.PROD-ACCT` as shown in the following screenshot: .. image:: _images/DETAIL.PROD-ACCT.png Correcting Lot Accounts ============================= There are two simple steps to correct account mismatches on lots. Report Lot Account Mismatches ----------------------------- Run report :menuselection:`Reports --> Miscellaneous --> DETAIL.PROD-ACCT`, viewing the output. If and only if lots are displayed on the report, escape from the report viewer and proceed directly to the next step. Fix Lot Account Mismatches ----------------------------- .. warning:: The :program:`COPYCOL` utility can make irreversible changes to your data system. Do not use this utility without technical support unless you are absolutely certain about what you are doing. From menu selection :menuselection:`Tools --> General --> Copy Columns`, enter the following command information: +---------------------+------------------------------+ | File Name | DETAILS | +---------------------+------------------------------+ | Source Data | PROD_ACCOUNT | +---------------------+------------------------------+ | To Field | ACCOUNT | +---------------------+------------------------------+ Press :kbd:`` to continue to the :guilabel:`Browse Selections` list, and select (press :kbd:``) :menuselection:`Query Table`. If the top line of the :guilabel:`Stored Query Table` says *SELECT DETAILS WITHOUT ACCOUNT EQ PROD_ACCOUNT ...* and has the correct number of hits, then press :kbd:``, otherwise press :kbd:`` and start over. Finally, you should see the :guilabel:`Copy Columns` confirmation message. it must read: +---------------------+------------------------------+ | Using File: | DETAILS | +---------------------+------------------------------+ | From Field = | PROD_ACCOUNT | +---------------------+------------------------------+ | To column = | ACCOUNT | +---------------------+------------------------------+ | Match Value = | | +---------------------+------------------------------+ If everything is correct, enter :kbd:`Y ` to change the lot account.